news & recommendations


5 may 2004

for all the news check out:

10 april 2004

As you might have noticed
I did a major update on page's design
The main reason is
that I thought I can do much better
So guess was I right :)

Starcraft section is the only one
that hasn't been changed
I plan to do that in near future

There may be mistakes and leftovers
from the previous page
Write your comments & suggestions at:

previous updates

The january update contained useful links:
Google Toolbar (great pop-up blocker)
Pocket Tanks (freeware game)
Realworld (Overnet P2P portal)
Suprnova (Torrent P2p portal)

Other recommendations:
Star Trek (official site of the popular TV show)
Speedycars (comprehensive car wallpaper archive)

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